Media relations

By establishing good media relations, you can reach out to your stakeholders more easily.


Media relations - an invaluable tool for listed companies

The importance of strong and lasting media relations

Good relations with the media play a crucial role for companies in getting their message out, creating brand awareness and building trust. Strong and long-term relationships with the media allow your company to highlight your strengths and achievements and proactively address any challenges. Visibility in relevant media creates a strong impression with investors, potential customers and other key audiences.

Maintaining constructive media relations

Maintaining good media relations and meeting journalists' needs and expectations requires strategic planning and careful preparation. Communications need to be tailored to specific formats and audiences while staying on top of the latest trends and channels. We have extensive experience helping companies navigate the media landscape and can create a tailored PR strategy that meets your unique needs and objectives.

We can help you with...

Development of media relations
PR strategy and plan
Production and distribution of press releases
Journalist contacts and meetings with the media

Vi brinner för riktigt bra företagskommunikation

Vi ser alla delar av kommunikationen som länkar i en kedja, och en kedja är bara så stark som den svagaste länken är. Vår vision är att erbjuda börsnoterade företag en helhetslösning så att alla bitar faller på plats. 

Frequently asked questions and answers

What does it mean to develop media relations?
How does AVA help companies create an effective PR strategy?

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